Product Reliability Testing Services
Ensure your product functions safely and without failure for its entire lifespan with Westpak’s expert testing services.
Vibration & Resonance Testing

Vibration & Resonance Testing
Vibration testing evaluates the product's response to a defined vibration environment. The Unit Under Test (UUT) may be subjected to vibration inputs for several reasons, including identifying gaps in the mechanical design, finding the product's natural resonance frequencies, determining the effect of the transportation environment and protective package system on the product, and more. Read more about Vibration & Resonance Testing
Mechanical Shock Testing

Mechanical Shock Testing
Shock testing, often referred to as product fragility testing, is used to determine the sensitivity of a product to impact. A properly designed and executed shock test can provide the designer with essential data necessary for the mechanical and/or package design process. Read more about Mechanical Shock Testing
Mechanical shock tests are carefully designed to control parameters such as pulse shape, peak acceleration, and duration.
The reliability of most electromechanical products can be greatly enhanced by a carefully applied series of mechanical shock tests which produce data useful in the design optimization process.
A product drop tester evaluates a product's ability to survive rough handling. Angular orientation is maintained just prior to the unrestrained impact.
Tumble Testing

Tumble Testing
Tumble Testing, also known as Repeated Free Fall Testing, evaluates small mechanical items for robustness. Read more about Tumble Testing
HALT / HASS Testing

HALT / HASS Testing
Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) is a specialized reliability test during which the product is exposed to environmental stresses to the point of failure. Highly Accelerated Stress Testing (HASS) can be used as a quality assurance test for components and small devices. Read more about HALT/ HASS Testing
Highly Accelerated Life Testing is a specialized reliability test during which the product is exposed to environmental stresses to the point of failure.
Components and small parts can be exposed to Highly Accelerated Stress Screening for quality assurance testing.
HALT or HASS testing can evaluate the robustness of products and components, and how they may perform during their expected life.
Temperature and Humidity Extremes

Temperature and Humidity Extremes
Westpak utilizes environmental chambers to evaluate the effects of a wide range of temperature and humidity conditions on products and materials. Read more about Temperature and Humidity Extremes Testing
Subjecting products to various hot and cold conditions provides insight into the effects of temperature on reliability and performance.
Low humidity levels dry out bonded or glued components while high humidity may cause corrosion, gasket failure, mold, discoloration, etc.
Thermal shock testing is a process of exposing products to extremely rapid temperature changes over a wide temperature range to identify weakness.
Altitude Testing

Altitude Testing
Altitude testing evaluates the effect of high or low air pressure on a product or package using an altitude chamber. A reliability trial often involves recording product performance while powered up and operating inside the chamber. Read more about Altitude Testing
Thermal Shock

Thermal Shock
Thermal shock is a severe test, characterized by extreme temperature changes. WESTPAK's dual-chambered unit features a moving basket that transports the sample from the hot to the cold section, allowing for a rapid temperature change. The test sample can experience temperature variations between 170°C and -60°C within minutes. Read more about Thermal Shock Testing