737 Max vs. Bad Data
Boeing has realized
that bad data streaming into the automated flight systems contributed to
crashes of both passenger-filled 737 Max jets. The control systems
reacted by triggering the anti-stall systems to toggle. Unfortunately,
pilots were unable to disengage the automated systems and regain control
quickly enough.
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Medical Device Package Testing
WESTPAK's latest
webinar reviews ASTM D4169 and ISTA protocols as they apply to medical
device package distribution testing in the lab environment. The
standards, test sequences, and case studies are presented along with
common failures, mitigation strategies, and test & design tips.
Available on-demand or in Past Webinars.
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Risk at Notre Dame Was Underestimated
When the first alarm
from the Notre Dame's attic activated, the guard on duty checked but
didn’t see anything amiss. That was the start of a 31-minute delay before
Paris' fire department was notified. Also, fire suppression systems were
lacking, and risk planners misunderstood how quickly centuries-old oak
beams could ignite.
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and Accredited Independent Test Lab
WESTPAK's test labs
are Certified International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) Testing
Laboratories for package testing plus ISO 17025 accredited to perform
mechanical and vibration testing. For 30+ years, excellent customer
service and integrity have enabled success. We are 100% employee-owned
and growing.
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Supersonic Aircraft Shockwaves
During a particular
NASA flight, the shockwaves from two T-38 jets flying tight at supersonic
speeds just 30 feet apart over a California desert was captured using a
special high-speed camera. The goal: boom-less supersonic flight.
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1st Countdown for Amazon Suppliers
Amazon will
automatically impose a $2 penalty per package on its vendors and sellers
whose qualified products arrive for distribution in uncertified packaging
beginning August 1st. Just a few weeks remain to get packages ISTA
certified and avoid the fees. We can help!
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Lawnmowers cause some
of the most common and horrific home injuries imaginable. WESTPAK
strongly encourages you to THINK TWICE before assigning mowing duties to
anyone, especially minors, and perhaps even yourself. If there's any
doubt whatsoever, let a professional do it. They need the work, and you
need your fingers and foot.
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Leak (Bubble) Detection Testing
Following the ASTM
F2096 test standard, Gross Leak Detection is conducted by visually
inspecting for bubble streams caused by a defect in the packaging /
sterile barrier system while being lightly pressurized and submerged
under water.
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